



Pioneering the lighting landscape

Showroom Streamlight

Specialists in distinctive lighting design, superior technical know-how, craftsmanship, and supply.

As lighting visionaries for over thirty years, Streamlight has delivered lighting design, supply, and technical services of distinction, earning us an acclaimed reputation.

Whether it’s a residential, hospitality, corporate, or outdoor project, the transformative power of lighting is undeniable, and Streamlight is here to revolutionize the ambiance of your space.

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Streamlight at Pinpoint

Visit our showroom for unparalleled expertise in lighting design, curation, technical solutions, and corporate craft.

Contact details
PinPoint Business Park, corner M2 and M3, Streamlight Building No. 5, Calebasses, Pamplemousses, 20202, Mauritius

+230 245 8314

Operating hours
Mon – Fri: 09h00 – 16h30
Sat: 09h00 – 12h00
Sunday: CLOSED

Visit Streamlight Official Website

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